Monday, February 12, 2007

Saturday, June 9, 2007???

All of our wedding plans are still in pencil for the time being, but we're looking at Saturday, June 9, 2007 for our wedding date. It seems fitting, because Meredith's birthday is July 9, and we got engaged February 9. This will make it easier for me to remember in the future -- "on the 9th day of any month, you'd better do something nice for Meredith..."

The wedding location is not official yet either, but the one we have in mind is outdoors! Either way, it will be a very small ceremony (family only, maybe a handful of very close friends). We will definitely throw a party for our friends near the date of the wedding!

Her daughter Dani is going to be our flower girl. She seemed excited last night to hear that her mom and I were going to be getting married! Meredith got her a very nice Wedding Barbie, and a book on how cool it is to be a flower girl. I think that helped!


Jeremy The Keeper said...

Wait a tick...I thought I was going to be your flower girl?!? Oh well, maybe next time. Have fun with all the planning!

Anonymous said...

So when are you going to post a link to the full video????

Anonymous said...

You two are so wondeful, and I'm so happy about your news. Dani will be a beautiful flower girl!

Get some cute photos of the three of you posted soon!!!
